BibliU Blog
Read up on the latest news in higher education, edtech, and more!
Here are 6 key takeaways from our conversation with CECU about how utilizing digital content can improve retention rates and student outcomes.
How Digital Content Improves Retention Rates and Student Outcomes | BibliU
Read how digital content can help improve accessibility for students from diverse backgrounds and promote equity in higher education.
Using Digital Content to Increase Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Before lockdown, BibliU had the chance to interview John Woods, Provost and Chief Academic officer at the University of Phoenix. Dave asked him about the large-scale online program at Phoenix and how they do things differently to benefit their diverse student population.
Interview: Making Digital Learning Work for Today's Students
We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Andrew Knight, Team Leader of Collections Discovery Services at the University of Roehampton, to discuss remote learning in these trying times.
Webinar: 6 Tips for Remote Learning
Remote learning is becoming the new normal as more institutions make the transition to help their students reach their educational goals. How is digital content playing a vital role in that strategy?
Remote Learning: 6 Ways Digital Content Brings Us Closer
A major concern for any education provider in the United States is student retention, especially at for-profit universities. What can be done to solve this?
Can Edtech Help In Student Retention Strategies?
From inspiring stakeholders, setting measurements that map back to your program goals, to bringing various forms of content into the mix, we have you covered! Download our guide for implementing a successful digital content strategy.
Implementation Starter Guide: 6 Tips to Get Your New Digital Content Strategy off the Ground
Educause has released its annual review of the Top 10 Issues in Digital Implementation of Edtech. How important is it that students are involved?
Do We Involve the Students? 3 Lessons for Student-Centric Edtech
What is siloing? How can institutions avoid it altogether and declutter their tech stack? Take a look at some key tips for streamlining your use of edtech apps and platforms.
App Overload: Declutter Your Edtech
Increasing digital access and participation is a key goal for any Office for Students — and one that is very much shared by BibliU. Our CEO Dave Sherwood shares some of our experiences and advice for succeeding with APP initiatives.
3 Takeaways to Meet Your Access and Participation Goals
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